Kathy Maxwell began drawing and painting as a child. Born to parents who are both artists, she received her first lessons at home. Nearly all art forms fascinated her, and through a combination of formal training and self education she has explored ceramics, photography, architectural drawing, oil and watercolor painting, and many other media.
Her reputation, though, is as a watercolorist. Since she began focusing almost exclusively in that medium in the 1990’s, her work has sold steadily. She’s done numerous house portraits and has been commissioned to paint for institutions such as Dickinson College and The U.S. Army War College. Prints of her trademark Newville paintings, sold by The Newville Historical Society at the town’s annual Fountain Festival, have become collector’s items.
Reproductions of her work are available at galleries, shops and historical societies in Central Pennsylvania and at the seashore. Inquiries may also be directed to the artist at bluemoon51@juno.com.